
 What is the maximum spacing between battens?

Following Onduline installation instructions is crucial to ensure a longlasting waterproofing. Guarantee depends on local installation guidelines, as they are adapted to the local climatic conditions and local roofing structures.

In most countries, it is recommended to install ONDULINE CLASSIC under the following conditions, whereas some local recommandations may apply:   

  • For roof pitches from 9% to 17% (5° to 10°), ONDULINE must be installed on full deck (OSB, Plywood...). 
  • From 17% to 27% (10° to 15°), it is recommended to install ONDULINE with a maximum spacing between purlins of 45 cm. 
  • Over 27% (15°), ONDULINE can be installed on purlins installed every 61 cm maximum. 

Please consult Onduline local installation guide to make sure about your installation or contact Onduline Technical service.

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