Like all of Onduline's roofing sheets, ONDUVILLA® tiles are made from a flexible and easy to handle material, ensuring an easy and longlasting solution for your roof.

The Onduline material used to make ONDUVILLA tiles does not contain any asbestos, or harmful chemicals, and is free from metal so it will never rust!

ONDUVILLA corrugated roof tiles give a beautiful tile look to the roof of your timber outbuildings, like leisure buildings, garden sheds and workshops as well as agricultural projects, like stables and barns. Thanks to their compact size light weight (about 1.3 kg/m2) and their great mechanical flexibility, ONDUVILLA tiles are easy to install and have a 15-year waterproofing warranty. A fast waterproofing solution that provides a beautiful tiled look to any leisure or agriculture building.

ONDUVILLA Installation Conditions

  • Installation is possible on full deck or battens.
  • Minimum pitch: 
    • 9 degrees  (Full Deck)
    • 17 degrees (Battens)
  • Pitches of > 9° - 17° : Full deck is required
  • Pitches > 17° : Can be installed on battens with a spacing of 32 cm (27 cm for the first course)

Installation Steps: ONDUVILLA TILES


Step 1: Prepare the structure

Start the installation in a direction opposite to the prevailing winds.
Start the fixing from the eave. The overhang has to be maximum 5 cm.
To prevent the penetration of wind driven rain, snow and birds fix ONDUVILLA® foam fillers.

If installing on battens, ensure a spacing of 27 cm for the first course to accommodate the 5cm overhang, followed by a 32 cm for every other batten/purlin.


Step 2: Lay the tiles

Stagger the rows, by starting the second row with a half tile. Ensure proper waterproofing by aligning the overlapping guides.


Step 3: Fix the sheets

The fixing on each corrugation should be done in the right order and in between the 2 overlapping guides.

Do not fix those corrugations that will be overlapped by the next tile or verge piece.

ONDUVILLA Installation Step 4

Step 4: Fixing the verge

For an optimised aesthetic and guaranteed waterproofing, and wind uplift resistance install an ONDULINE VERGE element. Fix it first into the sidewall, then on the top of the corrugation.

ONDUVILLA Installation Step 5

Step 5: Complete the roof

If the opposite end the roof doesn’t finish with a corrugation, cut the last tile at the edge of the roof and use a batten as a support for the corrugation. Bend the last tile over the batten, in order to ensure proper waterproofing.

ONDUVILLA Installation Step 6

Step 6: Secure the ridge

Use a ridge batten to support the Onduline ridge piece as shown.

The ridge element has to overlap the ONDUVILLA tile by a minimum 12 cm, fix the ridge in the opposite direction to the prevailing winds.

Download the full installation steps below or watch the video

ONDUVILLA Installation Conditions

  • Installation is possible on full deck or battens.
  • Minimum pitch: 
    • 9 degrees  (Full Deck)
    • 17 degrees (Battens)
  • Pitches of > 9° - 17° : Full deck is required
  • Pitches > 17° : Can be installed on battens with a spacing of 32 cm (27 cm for the first course)

Watch the ONDUVILLA installation video